The World’s Worst Research Presentation

Is this the world’s worst ever research presentation?
We are indebted to Marc Jadoul for discovering this little gem. The renowned researcher, Dr Fisher-Katz, addresses an audience of undergraduates on her specialist subject, Nano Electronics. Trust me, it’s a lot more fun than you think it could be!
Sit back and watch her make every mistake in the book. Is she for real? It’s worth sticking around for the answer to the that.
If you think you’ve seen a worse presentation, please share in the Comments below.

George Torok
2nd November 2017 at 5:30 pm
Hmm, I’ve made it to 1:55 and I’m wondering if this is an April Fools joke. Many errors made in the first two minutes. Why would this speaker allow this video to be recorded and posted?
I’ll try to watch more…
Rosie Hoyland
3rd November 2017 at 8:45 am
Good question George – I think you should watch it right through…
George Torok
3rd November 2017 at 2:00 pm
Glad that I watched to the end. A welcome surprise and good reminders for every speaker.
Lesley Barringer
3rd November 2017 at 7:23 pm
Definitely! It’s a great video – I’m glad you made it to the end!
Brigette Callahan
21st May 2019 at 6:54 pm
OMG, love it. I’ve spent way too many hours watching other speakers crash and burn from their lack of awareness and preparation. It’s sad that people who present don’t do any training or preparation before they speak. They think they are okay and their slides are fine. But they should be in their own audience to see and “feel’ the truth! Thanks for that ending. I loved it. My cat loved it too!
Rosie Hoyland
22nd May 2019 at 9:14 am
It’s a classic example of what not to do, isn’t it? Except I fear, like you have obviously experienced, that it is all too common!
Flora Belle A. Amoyen
17th March 2021 at 3:29 am
Thank you for this! Great help for me and my students.