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Meet our Contributors

Rosie was the Commissioning Editor at Presentation Guru. She is a writer and content creator and has worked for many years as a print and digital designer.

Jim is a serial entrepreneur and the MD of The Message Business, a company which helps international and FTSE 100 companies sell themselves, and their products more effectively. Jim has many years of experience speechwriting, presentation coaching and motivational speaking, all over the world.

Farshad is a technology enthusiast and an IT professional from Pakistan. Over the years he has been associated with various technology blogs and is currently the Content Editor of

John Zimmer is an international speaker, trainer and lawyer. He has worked at a major Canadian law firm, the United Nations, the World Health Organization and is now a full-time speaker. A seven-time European Champion of speech contests, John writes an internationally recognized blog about public speaking, Manner of Speaking. He is also the co-creator of Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™.

Emma Bannister is passionate about presenting big, bold and beautiful ideas. She is the founder and CEO of Presentation Studio, APAC's largest presentation communication agency, and author of the book Visual Thinking: How to transform the way you think, communicate and influence with presentations.

Stephen is an independent communications and leadership consultant. He works with individuals and organizations to improve how they communicate their messages and drive change. As part of his work, Stephen provides presentation skills and communication coaching to organizations such as a major UK Government Department, a Swiss Bank, and an independent futurist. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and a Council Member of the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA).

Jared is the former Commissioning Editor for Presentation Guru. He's a proud alumnus of The University of Mississippi, an avid college football fan, a wizard of wordsmithery, and a lover of ales. He's just finished his MA in Publishing from Kingston University in London, and has gone on a much needed vacation.

Sims Wyeth is the president of Sims Wyeth & Co., an executive development firm devoted to the art and science of speaking persuasively. Sims specializes in 1:1 coaching and small group workshops. He believes that while the delivery of a presentation is key, the structure of it is often more important. Sims is also the author of The Essentials of Persuasive Public Speaking.

Lesley designs presentations at The Message Business, and is part of the team at Presentation Guru. She loves Prezi and PowerPoint - when they are used well!

Jack is the author of A Sale Is A Love Affair - Seduce, Engage & Win Customers’ Hearts, which was the Number 1 New Release in Sales on Amazon in February 2015.He’s a sales advisor and trainer to Fortune 500 Companies and startups alike, a marketing consultant in the area of business storytelling and a professional speaker.Jack is a native of Woodstock, NY and now divides his time between Luzern, Switzerland and Madrid, Spain.

Rakiah Oneeb is a freelance IT copywriter who enjoys writing about tech, particularly for startups. Currently, she's working as a freelance copywriter for a Canadian software company, IWD. Connect with her on LinkedIn.

Robert Lane is founder of Aspire Communications, a firm specializing in visually interactive presentation development and training. His Visual Language methodologies transform standard PowerPoint slide shows into dynamic presentation tools that better engage audiences, enhance training outcomes and improve sales effectiveness.Robert speaks, consults, and trains internationally, and has authored several books, including the new Visual Language Book Series. He completed a Bachelors of Science degree in Physics and a Masters of Science degree in Educational Technology at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona, USA, where he makes his home.

Nolan Haims has over 20 years of experience in the fields of visual communication, graphic and presentation design. He runs his own boutique consultancy that trains organizations to communicate more clearly and with fewer words.He speaks at national conferences, writes about visual storytelling at, is a Microsoft PowerPoint MVP and is one of the hosts of The Presentation Podcast.

Simon founded presentation design company Eyeful Presentations in 2004. His goal was big but simple - support businesses to create more powerful, engaging and effective presentations that make the most of opportunities and deliver results. 12 years, thousands of presentations and millions of engaged audience members later, Eyeful's mission continues. He is the author of The Presentation Lab and is globally recognised as a thought leader in the field of presentations.

Oliver is a chemist and molecular biologist who has worked in the in-vitro diagnostics and pharmaceutical industry on the national and international level. Having organised and presented at symposia from the local to the global level, he is now a freelance trainer and consultant helping stakeholders in the healthcare sector bring across scientific content in an engaging and understandable fashion.

Oscar Santolalla is a communication expert whose mission is to help technology companies present better, inspire people, and sell more. With over a decade of experience in the technology arena, he regularly writes for international blogs and gives talks and workshops worldwide. He works as a sales engineer at Ubisecure and has previously spent years in product management and sales roles in the tech industry. Since 2014, Oscar has been hosting the public speaking podcast Time to Shine, for which he has interviewed more than 100 communication professionals. He lives in Helsinki, Finland.His latest book Create and Deliver a Killer Product Demo will be released shortly.

Dr Nick Morgan is one of America's top communication speakers, theorists and coaches. A passionate teacher, he is committed to helping people find clarity in their thinking and ideas - and then delivering them with panache. He has been commissioned by Fortune 50 companies to write for many CEOs and presidents. He has coached people to give Congressional testimony, to appear on the Today show, and to deliver an unforgettable TED talk.

2x startup founder. CEO of Slidebean. TEDx Speaker. @500Startups alum. 40-under-40 Costa Rican Innovator.

Simon started life as a research scientist looking at the causes of cancer. He then had a 24 year career as a university researcher before moving into a training role, starting by helping scientists explain their research in the 'real world'. His third book Presentation Genius is an easy-to-read exploration of the science of how to make presentations - what works and what doesn't.You can get hold of some of Simon's tips and see the rest of what he does at Presentation Genius.

Lisa Braithwaite, public speaking coach and trainer, helps entrepreneurs and professionals create memorable and engaging presentations in order to build their businesses through speaking. She has a B.A. in Theater and an M.A. in Education and has been interviewed for the L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune and Wall Street Journal. Her philosophy of public speaking is that it’s fun, it’s an awesome way to express yourself creatively, and that connecting with your audience is worth more than a thousand techniques. Her latest book is Presenting for Humans: Insights for Speakers on Ditching Perfection and Creating Connection.

As an expert with broad experience in data collection & analysis Jude understands that presentation of data is like the art of mosaic, kind of story that the viewer must decipher and understand quickly. Summarizing and Big Data seem to be opposites. How is it possible to present so much in such a short slide? Finding the best answer to this question is what I like to do, and presenting the outcome is my passion.

Holly Faulkner is the co-founder and director of the Purple Patch Group, a business that started life as a London events agency over 10 years ago. Through years of live events experience on both sides of the fence, managing them, and sitting front row, Holly and Paul launched the Presentation Experts. A specialist design agency focussing on creating outstanding presentations for live events, speakers, and other events visuals.

Michael Sinnhuber is founder & owner of the presentation design & training agency mcprezi and the presentation platform His main purpose is to save this world from boring presentations – one at a time. Besides that, he was handpicked by Prezi to be one of only around 40 “Prezi Independent Experts” worldwide.

Amy Post is a self-proclaimed PowerPoint wizard and Visualization Consultant at BrightCarbon, an international presentation design agency whose focus is on creating effective sales and training presentations, but also custom eLearning, motion graphics, and infographics. After graduating from University of Pennsylvania in 2014, she now spends most of her days planning her next Disney World vacation and also sharing the joys of PowerPoint with others.

Gavin is a senior partner and co-founder of fassforward Consulting Group. Their game Dirty Rhetoric aims to provide a comprehensive list of rhetorical techniques explained in easy-to-understand terms.

Sara is the Sr. Writer at GoReact, the premier video feedback software for teaching skills crazy fast. She has been writing and editing for companies in the tech and financial spaces for over six years and enjoys creating content strategies for professional brands. She has a bachelor's degree in traditional editing from Brigham Young University. When she's not working, Sara can be found traveling and writing novels for young adults.

Tulia Lopes is Europe’s leading communication, public speaking & leadership expert for women who want to Speak Up, Stand Out & Lead! She believes communication is the key to develop and excel in any field in life. Tulia is the author of Leading in High Heels, a step-by-step guidebook to help women assess their leadership skills and find the techniques to improve further. She is a certified international speaker and award winning speaker at European level and she speaks in several different platforms throughout Europe on topic like communication, leadership, women's impact and empowerment.

Philip Collins is a columnist on The Times and the chair of the Trustees at the think tank Demos. Until 2007 he was the chief speech writer to the Prime Minister Tony Blair. Before that he has worked as a director of a think tank, in investment banking and in academia. He is the author of The Art of Presentations: The Secrets of Making People Remember What You Say.

Florian, based in Barcelona, worked as a consultant and business development manager for almost a decade for KPMG, the global advisory firm. A collaborator of IESE Business School Barcelona and author of four books, Florian now offers transformational communication seminars, keynote speeches and presentation coaching to international brands like Banco Santander, Microsoft or Panasonic. Florian is the co-creator of the world's first public speaking board game Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™.

Gabrielle Reed is a Content Strategist at Ethos 3, a company specialising in presentation design and training. She posts thoroughly researched, highly useful content frequently to the Ethos3 blog, which offers presentation tips geared toward a variety of professions. Gabrielle works with some of today’s most-admired brands, helping them create creative narratives that make a lasting impact.

Chantal Bossé has been a TEDx speaker coach since 2012 and Microsoft PowerPoint MVP since 2013. As a presentation & visual communication leader, she spends her time between writing, training, coaching and designing for her clients and speakers. First a scientific, then an instructional designer in telecommunications, she started CHABOS in 2004 to share her passion for visual communications. Chantal and her business partner inspire and empower public speakers and business people to craft and deliver world-class presentations that generate success and results. From story, message, design, delivery & equipment and event coordination, they help their clients achieve success and transformation with their audience

Jeilan Devanesan is a content marketer at Venngage, the online graphic-design tool. He researches and writes on how to engage your audience with visuals, how to utilize SEO through visual content, and design trends. He has written for CMI, Outbrain, Clutch, Classy and other publications. You can connect with him on Linkedin.

Lyndon Nicholson is one of the UK’s leading experts on presentation design and public speaking. For two decades he has worked with some of the world’s most influential companies, helping them to present new ideas and communicate more effectively. After developing two other successful presentation design agencies in London and Manchester, Lyndon setup F5 Presentations, based on an idea of changing the way people think about presentations and public speaking. F5 Presentations offer a full presentation outsourcing service, acting as the dedicated off-site PowerPoint department to some of the world's most influential brands.

Nancy Hardcastle is a public speaking coach who specialises in helping speakers in the field of human trafficking create greater impact through transformative stories, strategic organisation and engaging PowerPoint slides. You can read her blog at, and follow her on LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.

George runs Speech Coach for Executives. He coaches executives to deliver million dollar presentations and trains professionals, experts and sales teams to deliver Superior Presentations. He is also the author of the blog Questions About Public Speaking.

Kartik Sundar is a co-founder at Aploris GmbH, a software firm that builds PowerPoint-focused productivity tools including a slide library solution called TeamSlide. Kartik leads the business development effort helping customers improve their presentation creation process. Previously, Kartik worked as a management consultant with Bain & Company and he later worked with Cisco’s corporate strategy group.

Kit Pang is a Communication Expert, TEDx, Inbound and Keynote speaker and the founder of BostonSpeaks. He is on a mission to help individuals become exceptional speakers and communicators. Kit's seminars and talks have been credited as super fun, engaging, soul-searching and insightful. His happy clients include individuals from organizations such as Dell, Delta, RE/MAX, Harvard or MIT.

Jon Schwabish is an economist, writer, teacher, and creator of policy-relevant data visualizations. He is considered a leading voice for clarity and accessibility in how researchers communicate their findings. His new book about presentation design and techniques, Better Presentations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks is available now.

Pepper Jones is a tech aficionado based in the UK. She covers the different ways technology is changing the workforce. Her hobbies include tinkering around with spare computer parts and spending time with her dogs.

Timo is the go-to-guy for well-designed presentations, digitalised sales content and account based sales and marketing campaigns. His founding idea for Havain Oy was, and still is, to provide a simple, fast and practical solution for companies and individuals that want to get good results from their presentations.

Damon is the founder and creative director at Slides – a leading presentation design agency helping some of the world’s top brands present their ideas with more impact. As an extension of your design team, Slides agency is fully dedicated to creating impactful PowerPoint presentations that will help you present your message with more clarity.

Jane Atkinson is the author of The Wealthy Speaker 2.0 and The Epic Keynote: Presentation Skills and Styles of Wealthy Speakers. Her company Speaker Launcher, provides coaching, consulting and online courses to people who want to speak (more often) for money.

Nigel is a keynote speaker to many of the world's most successful brands, focusing on applied innovation. He also coaches speakers and creates conferences and events that really 'rock'. His new book is Rock Your Presentation - A New Guide to Speaking With Passion.

Jaret Allen is a public speaker and a consultant to businesses and individuals, teaching public speaking skills and how to deliver great presentations. He can be reached at [email protected]

Digital Entrepreneur, Engineer, Marketer, Blogger, Public speaker, Lean Presentation Design movement founder, CEO at MLC Presentation Design Consulting. Author of 2 books:Lean Presentation Design: How to create presentations that everybody loves and Startup Pitch: The ultimate guide to creating a brilliant startup pitch presentation and win funding .Startup Pitch Strategist at Polihub – Leading Startup and District Incubator in Europe, Professor of Pitching strategies at Polytechnic of Milan."Time is free but it's priceless"

Aaron is the CEO of MeetingPulse: an audience interactivity platform to bring engagement and connection to large collaborations in real-time. His passion is communication in all forms and the creation of lasting, successful teams and institutions. Aaron has over 15 years of experience in the software industry. He is a graduate from Dartmouth College.

Erkki is the creator of, a blog dedicated to help marketers, coaches and start-ups leverage webinars to grow their businesses. Having over 5 years of experience in building software either as a founder or a product manager enables him to give deep and thoughtful insight in his blog. After having travelled the world, Erkki currently lives in Estonia, the land of start-ups.

Brittany is a Senior Developer of Visual Analytics at The E.W. Scripps Company. She has done a considerable amount of freelance work including Tableau development and Tableau trainings. She is the organizer of the Washington DC Tableau User Group, a member of the DC Data + Women group, and a Tableau Ambassador. She loves data visualization because it's a perfect combination of analytics and art.

You can read more from David at, enrol in his Online Public Speaking Course or read his book Master Public Speaking.

With a freshly unique take on technology trends, working as an IT guy and living internationally, Mel delivers insightful, intelligent and hilarious keynotes at business events across Europe. He is a regular at IT conferences and corporate trainings for smaller companies and multinationals. He is a seasoned performer – having been through the fire as a TEDx speaker and television appearances on Bayerische Rundfunk - and is also an award-winning Toastmasters speaker and bestselling humour book author.

Robert N Sayler studied rhetoric and trial practice at Stanford University and at Harvard Law School. He has written extensively, and in 1995 was appointed the John Ewald chair at the University of Virginia School of Law, where he now teaches trial, rhetoric and oral communications.

Adam lives a life of swashbuckling adventure as the Digital Marketing Manager for Mixam - A plucky print company with a whole lot of heart and grand ambition to make printing easy for everyone. They regularly feature photo zines on their social media, which you can follow above.

Nora Mork is a business journalist and content writer at UK Writings and Boom Essays. She is often invited to speak at public niche events and to share stories at sites, such as Essay Roo.

Camille is the Co-Founder and CEO of Nuts & Bolts Speed Training, where she helps busy professionals save PowerPoint hours and gain peace of mind. As an expert trainer and coach, she is passionate about empowering people who are short on time but big on ideas, with the tools to truly master PowerPoint and create presentations that work.

Harry Conley, content editor for LuckyAssignments and GumEssays is a veritable jack of all trades. In addition to this editing work, he is also passionate about helping writers improve their talents and reach their full potential by supporting their training and work activities. He's also a key supporter of contributors and regularly provides materials and support to this team.

Vince Stevenson is The Fear Doctor. He is a well known speaker/trainer and has won a number of awards for leadership, education and development. As the Education Director at the College of Public Speaking, he is one of the UK's leading trainers in the fear of public speaking.

Jeff is a stand-up comedian and has opened for Jay Leno, Bill Cosby, Martin Short, Kevin James and Wanda Sykes among others. He also has 25+ years working as a keynote speaker and trainer for companies such as Pepsi, Bose, Pier 1 Imports, Bayer, Honda, Footlocker, Virgin Trains, Hugo Boss, Golden Nugget Casinos, Choice Hotels International and GE Healthcare.

Melissa Calvert is a Tech-Business Analyst at Crowd Writer, home for reliable online academic and cheap assignment writing service UK, trusted by students. Through her writing, she aims to help people improvise their skills and abilities. In her free time, she likes to cook, read, travel the world, and socialise with like-minded people.

Chad spreads the GoReact word to every instructor, coach or mentor who needs better feedback tools. He's led marketing teams to beaucoup revenue growth for nearly two decades, including Provo Craft (retail division), AtTask (now Workfront) and WakeUpNow. Chad has a BFA in Ceramics (really) as well as an MBA from the University of Utah.

Ljana Vimont is the managing director of Stinson Design, a design agency specialising in customised, professional and on-brand presentations for companies across all industries. Ljana's leadership has taken Stinson from a hobby to a well-respected creative agency working with big global brands like NASA, Microsoft, Google and Hilton.

Philippa is co-founder of Presented Ltd, a specialist presentation design agency based in the UK. After 10 years formatting PowerPoint for various investment banks, Philippa broke free in 2009 to flex her creative and entrepreneurial muscles by establishing Presented. Now a small team of 11, they design, push PowerPoint boundaries and throw in a dose of brain science, all to help make presentations communicate better. In her spare time, she's a big field hockey fan and can usually be found coaching or running around the pitch.

As an experienced content creator, Donna has covered numerous topics in the realms of health, beauty, lifestyle, and the arts. She has written for various publications and can often be found conducting research for her latest article. Donna spends her free time exploring New York City, where her days are filled with new life experiences and adventures to write about!

Jeff Blaylock is a professional academic writer who faces many different types of academic tasks including presentations. In this article he shares a list of his most favourite presentation tools that students should use.

Mia Edner is a London-based career coach with a passion for helping executives and organisation leaders ignite positive change both in themselves and within their teams. When she’s not working, Mia enjoys bouldering and urban gardening. She can be reached at [email protected]

Roy Rosell is the award-winning author of Scared Speechless – My Crazy Journey to Mastering Fear. He is a lover of poodles (and every dog on the face of the earth), a fútbol fanatic, and a wannabe salsa dancer. You can contact Roy for speaking engagements, book purchases, or just to chat at [email protected].

Alexander is a communication specialist with over 5 years experience in the IT industry and has handled several roles such as digital marketer, technical writer/editor, pre-sales consultant and software developer.

Kare Anderson is an Emmy-winning former NBC and Wall Street Journal reporter, now connective behaviour speaker and columnist for Forbes and Huffington Post. Her TED Talk has attracted over 1.9 million views. She is a founding board member of Annie's Homegrown, co-founder of nine political PACs and author of Mutuality Matters, Mutuality Matters More and several other books. Discover more at her blog, Moving From Me to We.

Olivia Schofield is the Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and trainer. She is the Founder of Spectacular Speaking and co-founder of Vocal Women and Cradle of Growth. Growing up with a speech impediment imposed enormous challenges to her self-confidence. It would have been inconceivable to imagine that one day she would make it to the finals of the World Championships of Public Speaking. Olivia counts Fortune 500 companies American Express, Heineken and Shell amongst her clients. Her Keynotes include Risk & Innovation, Gender Equality & Inclusion and Change & Reinvention.

Irfan Ahmed Khan is a digital marketing manager at Branex and a guest blogger on various websites. He is a passionate digital strategist. He has worked with various other brands and created value for them.

After founding and growing a successful online retail business, alongside an exclusive clothing brand, Lorenzo decided to start a digital marketing agency to service other businesses who were behind the digital curve. Using a proven track record of techniques and methods Brick Digital work to grow both online and offline businesses, future proofing them for the digital age to come. Get in touch to find out more.

Rachel Blakely-Gray is a content writer at Patriot Software, LLC. Patriot Software offers online accounting and payroll software for small business owners. At Patriot, Rachel enjoys providing actionable, growth-oriented content.

Garland Coulson is the Marketing Director for PresentationPoint, a company providing world-leading software for digital signage, data-driven presentations, and real-time data dashboards. Their 10,000+ clients include SpaceX, NASA, New York Stock Exchange, Sony, Airbus, and many other well-known global companies. Find out more at PresentationPoint and SignageTube.

Stewart is a full-time content manager at Foundr and part-time reader and footballer.

Charmaine Mumbulla is a lawyer, educator and presentation designer based in Sydney, Australia. She is a descendant of the Kaurna/Narungga people and runs a small creative agency called Mumbulla Creative. Charmaine is the author of a presentation design blog called Make Great.

Luke is a body language specialist at Rolfing London. He designs and runs workshops that use a body centred approach to communication. In case it means anything to you, Luke is trained in Neural Manipulation, Visceral Manipulation, Movement Assessment, Applied Anatomy and Remedial Massage.

Rafic is the Founder and CEO of Clinic to Cloud. Rafic has spent almost two decades in the healthcare technology industry and has a unique appreciation for the level of pressure and intensity the sector falls under in both private and public practice. Rafic identified the opportunity to leverage technology to optimise practice operations, improve patient experiences and improve the financial performances of clinics.

Doug is a Corporate Storytelling in Business expert, the author of Doug Stevenson's Story Theater Method, and a keynote speaker, trainer and speech consultant. Contact me about my keynotes, trainings and Story Theater Retreats designed to help you become a more successful and inspiring presenter and leader.

Mildred Delgado is an up-and-coming marketing strategist at Essay Help and AcademicBrits, where she has already assisted on several high-profile marketing campaigns. She also presents at and contributes to PHDKingdom.

Ryan McCready went to the University of Arkansas and graduated with a degree in economics and international business. Now instead of studying the economy he writes about everything and enjoys stirring the pot.

Amy is a highly-rated senior trainer, executive coach, and event speaker. In addition to coaching corporate lawyers to non-profit advocates, corporate managers to sales teams, shoes designers to engineers, Amy is also a TEDx speaker coach for TEDxPortland, one of the top five TEDx organizations in the world. Her passion for coaching took her all the way to Kigali, Rwanda twice where she trained more than 80 community leaders how to communicate more effectively.

Karl Siegert is the Founder and Managing Director of an online presentation technology that combines video and slides in a web format. He also serves as Chief Operating Officer of MVP Collaborative, an Experiential Marketing agency in Michigan and named by Event Marketer to its “It List” of top 100 agencies specialising in Consumer Experiences, Employee Engagement, Visual/Video Storytelling, and digital/interactive.

Pablo Povarchik is an entrepreneur, public speaker and writer who specialises in Business Storytelling and Conversational Presenting. Winner of 2013, 2014 and 2018's Prezi Awards. Pablo helps sales teams to transform stiff, slide-based presentations into fruitful, revenue-generating conversations. Pablo is a proud father and husband, a marathoner and a mindfulness enthusiast.

Stuart is responsible for making sure projects go incredibly smoothly as well as taking the most complex of client messages and turning them into simple, memorable stories that resonate with their audience.

Chloe Bennet is a content manager at Essay Help Online and Australian Help. She manages and works alongside team of proofreaders and blog writers. Chloe also teaches public speaking skills at Paper Fellows portal.

Jacob Wilson is a business consultant, and an organizational psychologist, based in Brisbane. Passionate about marketing, social networks, and business in general. In his spare time, he writes a lot about new business strategies and digital marketing for

Elie Diner is an academic researcher turned science writer. He runs a blog, Slide Talk, dedicated to making scientific research presentations more effective and works at the life science and healthcare marketing agency, CG Life.

Jock is the Founder and Captain of Little Tokyo Two. His life goal is to reinvigorate the entrepreneurial spirit of Brisbane and to grow a passionate and talented business community.

Sandra Zimmer is the author of It’s Your Time to Shine: How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking, Develop Authentic Presence and Speak from Your Heart and the creator of The Zimmer Method for Authentic Communication. Sandra coaches business professionals to communicate authentically so they feel confident to shine when they share ideas, insights and expertise. Her programs include public speaking, voice, diction & accent reduction as well as leadership presence, gravitas, communication & storytelling. Her clients include leaders from dozens of Fortune 500 companies.

Andrea Bell is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs. Currently she is associated with the AirG Spam team.

James writes for Biteable as a software and tech content writer and copywriter. He also writes fiction and skis as much as possible.

Ellen Finkelstein is a PowerPoint MVP (a Microsoft award), one of 14 in the United States. At her website she offers PowerPoint and presenting tips and techniques as well as expert, customized training for you or your team. She has delivered hundreds of webinars. Her goal is to help you present clearly, powerfully, professionally and persuasively.

Neil Mullarkey is a performer, consultant and author who has spoken in 24 countries about improving communication. Find his book on people skills at His new joint venture For One Night Only aims to help companies create winning pitches.

Andy is the Founder of a Sydney-based inbound marketing agency. He enjoys helping businesses create meaningful marketing. From content to search, it's all in the detail. Long days, lots of coffee and endless (very passionate) conversations about marketing, sales and business keep this Queenslander lining up for more.

Jan is a former strategy consultant with McKinsey & Company, where he served clients from the Amsterdam and London office for almost a decade. Since the early 2000s, Jan has been crafting professional sales and investor presentations in his own boutique presentation design firm. More recently, Jan has founded SlideMagic, an app that provides an alternative to PowerPoint when it comes to creating business presentations. Feel free to give it a try at

Founder of Ace the Pitch and creator of several of the most popular SlideShare presentations of all time (including WTF is Social Media and What Would Steve Do?), Marta Kagan is the former head of Brand & Buzz at HubSpot and a recognized expert at helping innovative companies get noticed, get funded, and grown their brands online. Check out her free video crash on Mastering the Art of Persuasive Communication.

Rob is a public speaking coach and trainer in Berlin, Germany. He gives one-on-one lessons as well as workshops to help clients win pitches, lead teams and spread ideas. You can sign up for Rob's newsletter here.

Neil Wright is a researcher and copywriter. He works for Adams SelfStore and lives in Liverpool, England.

Sarah Plater is the Marketing Manager at Benjamin Ball Associates. She helps to capture and share the team’s expert advice, so that prospective clients can start transforming how they pitch, present and persuade. For 10 years the team at Benjamin Ball Associates has helped clients, including Permira, Frog Capital and Eight Roads, to impress investors and achieve immediate business results, such as securing investment, winning more sales and improving financial presentations.

Benjamin Loh is an Executive Public Speaking Coach, TEDx Speaker, Author and Professional Speaker on Millennial Matters. As the youngest Associate Certified Coach in Singapore and possibly, Asia-Pacific, he has coached over 100 corporate executives and entrepreneurs individually with over 750 hours of direct coaching and trained over 3,500 clients in high impact mass trainings in public speaking, presentation skills and leading the multi-generational workforce and Millennials. His work in entrepreneurship and public speaking has been featured on over 60 occasions on both local and regional media platforms like Channel News Asia (CNA), Vietnam QKTV, BFM Malaysia, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), Straits Times (ST), Business Times (BT) and News938 Live.Listen to what some of his clients have to say about working with Ben as their Public Speaking Coach or Millennial Professional Speaker.

Konrad began in computing and communications in the 60s. His career in software development and startups eventually evolved to consulting and marketing. Now semi-retired, he writes on presenting and PowerPoint techniques and helps clients build better presentations.

Martin is a 2x entrepreneur and former VC manager and investment banker who has helped startups raise millions in venture capital. He blogs on how to raise money from venture capitalists on .

Robert Kawalsky is the CEO and Cofounder of Zeetings, a software company changing the way people present their ideas to the world. Kawalsky is also an active investor and advisor to technology and internet related businesses.

Erik Palmer is an author and consultant from Colorado. He spent time as a trader on a Chicago commodity exchange before moving into the classroom, earning teacher of the year honors in one of the nation’s top school districts. Now Erik brings his unique experiences to his work as a consultant, speaker, and author, speaking frequently at conferences for educators, educational leaders, and training professionals. He leads workshops across the United States and around the world showing adults how to communicate well in business and social situations with an emphasis on teaching leaders how to become more effective speakers.Erik’s most recent book is Own Any Occasion: Mastering the Art of Speaking & Presenting. There have been many others. Erik is a program consultant on Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Into Reading and Into Literature language arts programs.

Jonathan is Marketing Executive at Buffalo 7, the UK's leading PowerPoint presentation design agency creating premium presentations for some of the world's leading brands. Its recent clients include UEFA Champions League, Sony Playstation, the Guardian and Unilever.

Platform Giant Communication is a communication consultancy that helps business leaders and entrepreneurs deliver their message more effectively. Shane also hosts the popular podcast The Platform Giant Show where he covers topics such as thought leadership, personal branding and content marketing. He speaks regularly on leadership, communication and business. You can find out more about him at

You know when you run into a sales person who talks, but doesn’t listen? Does bad, really bad, self-serving presentations? Never follows-up with you on time and basically is just annoying? Well, I help people (and companies), not to be like that and try to have a little fun in the process. I’m pretty easy to reach. Pretty easy to talk with too.

Giovanni is a public speaking coach and enthusiast. He works full time as a marketing manager at a software company in beautiful Bellingham, Washington. In addition to working in the field of marketing, he often takes on marketing clients with his freelance business. Since one side business isn't enough, he also does public speaking coaching and occasional blog posts on his website, Potent Speaking.

For the past decade, Tom has been designing innovative, persuasive presentations. As the founder and creative lead of Synapsis Creative, Tom develops solutions that offer clients beautiful, professional graphic design that is delivered in usable, editable PowerPoint documents. From big screen presentations to iPad interactives, animations to printed presentations and reports, Tom works at the cutting edge of presentation design. Tom regularly writes on presentation design on his blog and provides free resources for other Presentation Designers.

Dan has 15 years experience working with Microsoft Office. For the past 4 years, he has been working at Power-user. Power-user is a powerful add-in for PowerPoint and Excel, giving access to thousands of templates, maps, diagrams, icons and charts.

Maurice de Castro is a former corporate executive of some of the UK's best loved brands. Maurice believes that the route to success in any organisation lies squarely in its ability to really connect with people. That's why he left the boardroom to create a business helping leaders to do exactly that.

Director at CoolBox Films where the company has had over 20 years worth of experience in making moving pictures that provoke a reaction. Working with big-budget adds to fast turnaround internal communication pieces, from shorts at festivals and promos on the TV, to full-fledged feature films.

Erika is a copywriter and content manager who believes in the power of networking and white-hat SEO. She is an avid reader and runner.

Jonathan is Head of Growth for 24Slides, a global presentation design company with offices in Denmark, Indonesia, Peru and Ukraine. As a Certified B-Corp, 24Slides is on a mission to bridge the gap between talents in emerging markets and companies in The West.

Shola Kaye is a professional singer, an award winning speaker and a public speaking trainer. She’s the author of bestseller How to be a DIVA at Public Speaking and her second book, a practical guide to thinking and speaking on your feet, will be out soon. Her writing has appeared in Marie Claire, The Metro and more.

Giuseppe Marzio is Communications Advisor at Chiaro Presentations and Global Senior Communications Manager at Johnson & Johnson. He combines his passion for visual communication with his extensive expertise in the pharmaceutical business. As a communications advisor and presentation designer, he has helped some of the most inspiring leaders in the biopharmaceutical sector find and communicate the true value of their idea, product and company.

Leo has 9 years’ experience in the speaking industry, connecting globally-renowned thought leaders with audiences all around the world. Formats have ranged from public lectures and industry conferences to C-level briefings for the world’s biggest corporations.

Peter Holdman is a blogger who specialises in big data and analytics. His area of interest is combining business practices with data to produce more accurate and efficient results. Outside of writing about technology, Peter spends most of his time at home with his wife and three kids. He can be reached at [email protected].

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