How to Transform Your Presentation with Powerpoint Morph

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A presentation doesn’t have to be dull, long or linear and a PowerPoint is no exception!
PowerPoint is the most widely used presentation tool but has features that are hugely underused. Some of these tools can help you to create a more dynamic and conversational presentation to draw your audience in and hold their attention.
PowerPoint has developed, improved and incorporated many extra features, without losing its functionality or flexibility. The Morph Transition in Office 365 is a great example. It’s a simple, easy to use, tool that can transform your slides into a Canvas-style presentation, zooming and panning through your message.
Learn how to do it in a few simple steps on our video…
This is just one in a series of User Guide videos that we’ve made to help you. Learn How To Use Morph Transition for PowerPoint – A User Guide gives you a full introduction into using Morph 365 and you can check out our YouTube channel for more.