Anyone who has a story to tell follows the same three-act story structure to tell it. Whether a story is being told as...
Everybody with a soul feels like an impostor sometimes. Even really confident and experienced people, never mind those of us with less...
In this article I’ll be showing you how you can use Powerpoint Zoom to help you navigate your slides brilliantly in complex...
If you’re always saying that you want to work on your presentation skills but can’t find the time, then here’s a bit...
Credibility is everything. Here’s how to your build credibility in public speaking. It’s easily won – even by less experienced speakers, and...
Sometimes professional presentation designers and everyday presenters like me need inspiration. From time to time, when you sit down to make a...
Presentation Guru has been developing a presentation skills questionnaire to help people (whatever their experience as presenters) assess their current ability in...
The team at Presentation Guru has been developing a comprehensive presentation skills questionnaire to help people assess their current level of skill...
We have used the last 18 months to build a competency framework and a presentation skills questionnaire that will help individuals, professionals,...
We get lots of products pitched to us here at PG. Most of them sound good but disappoint – Prezi being probably...
Wouldn’t it be great if you could grab and hold your audience’s attention through-out the webinar? Imagine – from the moment you...
Public speaking will always be relevant. This art is ever-evolving thanks to technology, and has now evolved again in the form of...
If you are one of those 588 million Apple users worldwide, own a Mac and use iPhone and iCloud; then you’re no...