Ricky Gervais, the overexposed English comedian, writer, and actor, hosted Hollywood’s Golden Globes for the fifth time. His four previous appearances as...
Chantal Bossé has been a TEDx speaker coach since 2012 and Microsoft PowerPoint MVP since 2013. As a presentation & visual communication...
Presentations. We have all been there and with varying degrees of success too. While a successful presentation is a proud moment, too...
We live in a world of public speakers who are so good at presenting information, they’re famous for it. There’s something about...
How do you feel when your college or university professor asks you to come on stage and deliver a presentation? Does stage...
Effective presentations are rarely just about confidence and content; they start with your body language. This accounts for at least 50% of...
23.04.2019, 7:32pm It’s show time soon! The nerves are kicking in. The butterflies are fluttering around. Why do I do this to...
In this edition of ‘How to…’ we’re going to take a bit of different approach and talk about the wider context of...
One challenge that many public speakers face is making eye contact. You might think something so natural as eye contact should come...
Have you ever been in the middle of a great presentation and all of a sudden your mind went completely blank about...
Vocal coaches do not just coach those who sing. Just as people who want to improve their singing voice will seek out...
It has been a great decade for speeches, as more individuals have taken the stage to deliver some of the most compelling,...