Build Your Skills

Useful Career Advice for Would-be Presentation Designers

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Amy Singh has previously written for us outlining 5 Easy Visualization Tips for More Effective Presentations. She works as a Visualization Consultant for BrightCarbon now, but is a graduate from the University of Pennsylvania. Her alma mater recently invited her back to introduce current students to the world of presentation design and advise on the specific skills to build if you are interested in working in this field.

She suggests that the university classes that are relevant for these skills range from typical liberal arts requirements to fine arts to business to technology. When combined, having some expertise in each of these areas gives you a great basis for developing high quality, visually-effective presentations, and will help you shine as a ‘brand manager’, or ‘product manager’, or even ‘visualisation consultant’. Whatever you decide to call yourself, a foundation in these areas can help you stand out from the competition.

But what specifically does she mean by that and what classes should you take?

To read Amy’s thinking and sound advice follow this link: What I learned at Penn that led to a career in Presentation Design

Rosie Hoyland

Commissioning Editor at Presentation Guru
Rosie was the Commissioning Editor at Presentation Guru. She is a writer and content creator and has worked for many years as a print and digital designer.

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