
How to Give a Killer Presentation

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A successful talk is a little miracle – people see the world differently afterward.

Chris Anderson believes that ‘On the basis of experience, I’m convinced that giving a good talk is highly coachable’.

As the British entrepreneur behind the TED talks, taking it from a small group of thinkers to a global phenomenon, he knows of what he speaks!

This is a really useful article explaining in some detail that the elements that make a TED talk great can be applied to make most other presentations great too.

But while not everyone is going to deliver a TED talk, or even needs to master the slick TED presentation style – there is, without a doubt, a ‘style’ which doesn’t sit comfortably with everyone –  it is true that the TED team’s experience in coaching speakers (often for months) to get them to a point where they and their message truly shine, has helped them figure out what it takes. Every presenter will find some nugget of useful advice which could make all the difference.

You can read the article in full at How to Give a Killer Presentation.

Rosie Hoyland

Commissioning Editor at Presentation Guru
Rosie was the Commissioning Editor at Presentation Guru. She is a writer and content creator and has worked for many years as a print and digital designer.

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